Fahrenheit 2451 (10)
15 Jan
FBAll 2’’ Nanoforms done !
We are so glad to announce that all 2’’ Nanoforms have been manufactured and shipped before Christmas 2016.
Here are some of them :
We thank you so much all of you for your patience!
It has been a very difficult process but we are so proud to have achieved this goal and so grateful to our team that have never give up and were always working hard to deliver these unique pieces to you.
19 Apr
FBShipping our first 2'' Nanoforms
We are glad to announce that the manufacturing process for 2’’ Nanoforms has been developed now.
We had to face tough Research & Development challenges and we succeeded.
We thank deeply our backers for their patience.
If you want to keep your precious memories or offer this sapphire Nanoform to your loved ones, check our offers in our Shopping Nanoforms.
02 Dec
First Medallions shipped !
The first Medallions has been shipped and delivered !
Today we are very excited to announce you that we have produced our first 10 medallions for the Fahrenheit 2451 project and that these medallions have been be shipped and delivered.
And here is an example of one of these medallions :
We will continue to manufacture and ship all medallions before Christmas.
If you want to keep your precious memories or offer this sapphire medallion to your loved ones, check our offers in our Shopping medallions.
29 Jul
Benjamin WaterlotFirst pictures received!
Hello everyone!
We opened the Joomeo accounts of all our backers 4 days ago and already have some nice and exciting contributions!
You are already very creative and we are happy to see that "La Nanoform" is getting filled out with nice pictures and testimonies. You can see some examples here in our little mosaic here!
If you contributed to the project by ordering a Nanoform, a Medallion or a space on La Nanoform, don't forget to prepare your pictures and read our online tutorial here!
If you ordered a Medallion and your composition is larger than 100 Mo, you can't transfer it via Joomeo (which is limited to 100 Mo). You can use WeTranfer for example, by following these steps :
We Transfer is accessible here for free.
If you ordered a space on La Nanoform, don't forget that you have to choose only one of your preferred pictures!
For any question don't hesitate to ask us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
24 Jul
Benjamin WaterlotYou can now upload your pictures!
Dear Backers,
We created your secured and personal Joomeo accounts yesterday and sent you an email with the link included. You can now use it to upload the pictures that we will use to create your reward!
If you contributed for a spot on La Nanoform (or if your reward includes one), you will have to upload the picture you want us to engrave.
If you contributed for a Medallion, you will have to create your own composition and upload it on Joomeo.
If you contributed for a personal Nanoform, you will have to upload all the pictures you want to be inside.
The whole process is explained here in our tutorial.
You have until end of September to upload all your pictures, but the first ready will be the first manufactured! If you have any question, feel free to contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. !
We sent the email on the mail address you used for your Kickstarter account. If you didn't receive it, let us know at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
We are waiting for your pictures and can't wait to start producing the first personal Nanoforms!
Alain & Farid - Fahrenheit 2451 Team
14 Jul
Benjamin WaterlotWe did it!
We just passed our $49,000 goal. We want to thank all of you who believed in Fahrenheit 2451. There is still time to order Nanoforms, so don’t stop spreading the word. Share the project with your friends and family before it’s too late!
Discover our backer's nationalities here:
Some more details about the project
You can start selecting your pictures and documents! You will upload them on your personal and secure Joomeo.com account. This platform is secured and confidential: we will be very careful about keeping your documents safe.
Here is a screenshot of what the platform looks like:
Any other question? We are at your disposal! You can send us a Kickstarter message, and we will be glad to answer in a few minutes.
We will soon keep in touch about the next steps of the project!
28 May
Benjamin Waterlot
Suzel Galia - A french sculptor give her thoughts about the Nanoform !
We are filming a french sculptor, Suzel Galia, giving her thoughts about the Nanoform !
Sculpting stone is about making art that will stay through time - a big link with our sapphire disk technology.
The video is coming soon !
27 May
Benjamin Waterlot
The pupils of Sassenage are joining us !
The pupils of Sassenage worked during the last months on the way they see our future.
They created drawings and poems containing the messages they wanted to give to the future generations : advices, hopes or witnesses...
The result ? A nanoform grouping 200 documents (drawings or texts), ready to be manufactured in the next months !
Interested ? You can access the whole nanoform on this webiste and freely navigate inside by following this link. :)
Our preferred drawing :
Suzel Galia joins the Fahrenheit 2451 project as the first artist to reserve a space on "La Nanoform" for an artistic work.
“When Farid Benzakour mentioned the Fahrenheit 2451 project, I was immediately enthusiastic with the idea of storing messages and testimonies for future generations. Every artist wants to create a work that lasts, and it is not by chance that I chose stone for my sculptures, as it is a perennial material. With the Nanoform my wish is granted twice! This picture of my “Black Moon” sculpture has a specific meaning to me; it could be the symbolic representation of a long gone world, where the moon would be disappearing…”
Suzel Galia, sculptor.
Four elementary schools in Sassenage, France, leave their messages on "La Nanoform".
The schoolchildren will work with their teachers to prepare peace messages and drawings to be embedded on "La Nanoform" for future generations.